Mindfuless at workplace
Mindfulness refers to the human ability to be fully aware of the present, mind body and soul. It refers to living the present and experiencing it completely.
Mindfulness can be described as the practice of paying attention in the present moment and doing it intentionally and with non-judgment. Mindfulness is a Buddhist concept that has the philosophy of self-awareness. Mindfulness practices refer to the deliberate acts of regulating attention through the observation of thoughts, emotions and body states.
The work place or an organized system requires a productive mindset, efficient environment and well being of employees and employers so as to function smoothly together as a system. Implementing mindfulness in workplace means creating an environment that is more productive and enjoyable to every participant. By being mindful in an office set up, one can manage crisis in a better and a less stressful way.
Advantages of mindfulness in workplace:
- Reduced Stress: Improved ability to manage stress
- Increased Focus: Improved ability to pay attention, focus and concentrate
- Improved Emotion Regulation: Reduced impulsiveness, improved child behavior (aggression, suspensions, expulsions)
- Increased Emotional Intelligence: Improved conflict resolution skills
- Increased Empathy and Respect: Increased empathy and understanding of others
- Increased Resilience: Increased capacity to overcome challenges
- Improved Physical Well-being: Increased engagement in physical activity
- Improved Creativity & Collaboration: Improved expression of creative arts.
How we control and channel our emotions has a powerful impact on our personal and professional lives. Negative emotions have the ability to cause stress and anxiety and divert energy away from productive activities or behaviors. By practicing mindfulness, one can be better equipped to recognize negative emotions and handle them in healthier, less stressful ways in a professional or a personal set up.
Mindfulness enhances emotional intelligence and equips us with the ability to manage our emotions internally and externally. Mindfulness and its impact on stress is also linked to a number of physiological benefits including lower blood pressure, improved memory, and reduced depression and anxiety
- How mindfulness impacts wellbeing?
Organizations are becoming more invested in the wellbeing of employees due to an increased awareness of the costs associated with an unhealthy workforce. Absenteeism, presenteeism, turnover, and a lack of productivity are all very costly issues that are closely tied to employee stress and mental health. The number of sick days lost to serious mental health issues has doubled in the past decade and mental health is the leading cause of sickness-related absences.
Resilience and the ability to deal with difficult situations is critical to wellbeing. During stressful periods, employees with high levels of resilience will be able to persevere and remain engaged and productive. Mindfulness at work can support resilience by equipping employees with the ability to understand their emotions, their level of stress, and their ability to influence them.
Mindfulness training enables employees to respond to difficult situations effectively and has been shown to have a positive effect on burnout, wellbeing, and stress. Other research has shown that employees who practice mindfulness have higher levels of well-being through improved emotional resilience, better work-life balance, and higher job performance ratings.
- How mindfulness affects relationships?
Healthy working relationships are a cornerstone of employee happiness at work. Positive working relationships yield more productive teams, altruistic behavior, and ultimately increased productivity. Many studies have shown a clear link between mindfulness and improved workplace relationships. The link between these two also extends beyond the workplace to more satisfying personal relationships and increased empathy and sympathy when interacting with others.
Developing strong workplace relationships is particularly important for organizational leaders. Leaders need to develop the capacity to acknowledge their thoughts and environment so that they can present an informed response as opposed to an emotional reaction. This is particularly important during times of change or stress.
Studies that measured the relationship between a leader’s mindfulness and employee wellbeing, found that increased levels of mindfulness reduced employee stress, increased work-life balance, improved performance, and enhanced engagement.
- How mindfulness helps creativity?
Creativity is essential for innovation and problem-solving. Without creativity, new products and services will not be developed and processes will not improve. There is evidence to support a relationship between mindfulness and creativity. When people are in better control of their emotions, they experience less stress and can be more creative. Mindfulness can assist in creative thinking by providing increased focus, greater idea generation, and improved receptiveness to new ideas.
The appropriate type of training will depend on the organization’s goals and desired scope. The most common types of training in practicing mindfulness for workplaces are:
Webinars are similar to facilitator-led programmers, but they offer the flexibility of virtual participation. These programs tend to be lower cost, scalable across different locations, and may also provide employees with a greater sense of confidentiality. However, webinars have their own challenges as participants are less accountable, there may be less engagement, and there can be technical issues with program delivery.
Digital programs can provide employees with the greatest autonomy for training. These programs can be on-demand or delivered according to a certain schedule. A high degree of flexibility and a low cost of delivery are the biggest benefits of digital training. However, these programs can be the most challenging when it comes to engagement and lasting effectiveness.
Mindfulness offers a host of organizational and personal benefits ranging from physiological health to improved relationships at work. Regardless of the type of mindfulness training, you plan to offer, make sure that the key benefits of mindfulness are aligned with your organizational goals. In order to have a long-lasting impact, any type of workplace training requires leadership buy-in and support.
Facilitated programs:
Typically, these are courses led by a facilitator or teacher for several weeks. Employees may attend classes multiple times per week and be asked to practice mindfulness on their own as well. This time commitment may not be feasible for the organization or its employees, but facilitator-led sessions are a great way for employees to receive structured training. Mindfulness training that is done in a group setting also tends to have a positive impact on workplace culture.
Mindfulness based therapies and presence of an industrial psychologist in the set-up:
Industrial-organizational psychologists use psychological principles and research methods to solve problems in the workplace and improve the quality of life through mindfulness principles. They study workplace productivity and management and employee working styles. They get a feel for the morale and personality of a company or organization. And they collaborate with management to help plan policies, carry out screenings and training sessions, and develop a plan for the future.
Written by Tejaswini Kullkarni